An inexpensive table decoration for autumn. Here the children not only get to know the rose hips as a fruit of autumn, but also the handling of easily fragile objects, such as a wine glass. They have to be very careful with this decoration idea, so that the glass does not fall down while decorating it. This requires touch and concentration.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Let's give you a big wine glass. Fill it a little over half with water.
Put a handful of rose hips in the glass.
These are lowered to the bottom of the glass.
Put a branch of ivy in the glass.
And then put a floating candle in it.
Decorate a birthday table in autumn or surprise your parents with it at the covered breakfast table.
Have fun!
Let's give you a big wine glass. Fill it a little over half with water.
Put a handful of rose hips in the glass.
These are lowered to the bottom of the glass.
Put a branch of ivy in the glass.
And then put a floating candle in it.
Decorate a birthday table in autumn or surprise your parents with it at the covered breakfast table.
Have fun!
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