Barefoot - no matter what the weather is. Explore your surroundings barefoot once. In the garden, courtyard, meadow, sand, tar, you feel different, even in the summer or in the autumn in rainy weather. The children experience barefoot special sensations and consciously perceive their feet. They also learn something about their environment. The cold and or dirty feet let you dance in a foot bath at the end. Look yourself and have fun!
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort
Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!
What do you feel first, as soon as you go out the door, maybe you have a little carpet or footstripper in front of the door?
How does tar feel or stone? Can you see a difference when the sun shines on the tar?
How does the terrace feel or the balcony? How if the tiles are wet?
How does the grass feel?
Tip: Why don't you go barefoot to the garden early in the morning?
How does sand feel?
How does Earth feel?
How does the bark mulch feel in the flowerbed?
How do pebbles feel?
Then you can do a foot bath.
Important: If the weather is cooler, make a warm foot bath afterwards. So your feet can warm up again.
For the foot bath, let some warm water in the bathtub or a small bowl. Sit on the edge of the bathtub and then splash with your feet.
Try to wash your feet with your feet once. One foot washes the other.
Then roll your toes in and then stretch them out again.
Now you stand on your heels and then on the ten-tips. Important: stay seated on the edge of the bathtub.
At the end of the day, you stomp your feet really hard again.
Then you dry your feet and get dressed again.
Have fun!
What do you feel first, as soon as you go out the door, maybe you have a little carpet or footstripper in front of the door?
How does tar feel or stone? Can you see a difference when the sun shines on the tar?
How does the terrace feel or the balcony? How if the tiles are wet?
How does the grass feel?
Tip: Why don't you go barefoot to the garden early in the morning?
How does sand feel?
How does Earth feel?
How does the bark mulch feel in the flowerbed?
How do pebbles feel?
Then you can do a foot bath.
Important: If the weather is cooler, make a warm foot bath afterwards. So your feet can warm up again.
For the foot bath, let some warm water in the bathtub or a small bowl. Sit on the edge of the bathtub and then splash with your feet.
Try to wash your feet with your feet once. One foot washes the other.
Then roll your toes in and then stretch them out again.
Now you stand on your heels and then on the ten-tips. Important: stay seated on the edge of the bathtub.
At the end of the day, you stomp your feet really hard again.
Then you dry your feet and get dressed again.
Have fun!
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