Your children want to play digital games? Then you should pay attention to the USK symbols.
What are these and what you should know about it, we're about to introduce you here.
There are 5 USK symbols that indicate age when using digital games. Three symbols are important for children up to 10 years of age: USK from 0, USK from 6 and USK from 12.
In addition, we introduce you to the European symbols PEGI and refer to the FSK symbols.
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Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Take a look at the USK symbols together and discuss the individual age recommendations. It is important that children learn to take care of it - and that they understand why the age recommendations are important.
USK from 0 means "Freed without age restriction according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games can be used by children of all ages, including:
Skill Games
Sports games
Thinking games
Adventure games
Role-playing games
When playing with this label, you should nevertheless see if these are really suitable for your children. They can be quite complex or difficult to understand - and therefore unsuitable for your (very small) children. In terms of content, however, they are safe!
USK from 6 means "released from 6 years according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games are family-friendly, but often more exciting and competitive, they have a higher game speed and already include more complex tasks.
These games include:
Racing Games
Building and strategy games
Adventure games
Role-playing games
These games contain short moments of tension and demand a better eye-hand coordination. Compared to games for older children, these games usually have a graphic representation that makes it easier for children to distinguish between fantasy world and reality.
Important: if your child should be stressed, scared or get excited more often, please check whether the chosen game is really suitable despite the appropriate USK recommendation. Then choose games that fit your child better.
USK from 12 means "released from 12 years of age according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games are not suitable for children under 12 years of age. On the one hand, because these games are usually more combative, and on the other hand, because the actions take place in an environment in which younger children are hard to distinguish between reality and fiction.
These games include:
Arcade games
Strategy games
Role-playing games
Adventure games
Important note: the USK often has nothing to do with the fact that children under the age of 12 can't understand or play these games. The reason for the recommendation is usually the lack of the possibility to distance between the game (i.e. the fiction) and reality. Therefore, it is important that your children don't play these games before they reach the appropriate age.
Finally, take a look at the games your children are already playing together and watch out for the ages.
If you choose new games, let your children check whether the games of age can fit and play the first time together with your child or watch your child play.
Films are marked with FSK markings in Germany, which are identical to the USK markings.
Further information can be found at:
An alternative to the USK symbols are the PEGI symbols. PEGI (Pan-European Game Information) is a European initiative that was developed around 2001/2002 (USK exists since 1994). It divides computer games using two symbol categories. On the one hand, these are the well-known age recommendations (from 3, 7, 12, 16 and 18 years old), on the other hand, there are symbols that evaluate the content:
Bad Language (wrong words and vulgar words)
Sex (sexual poses or allusions)
Drugs (drug use including tobacco and alcohol)
Discrimination (discriminations that can promote hatred)
In the following we show you an example.
This symbol indicates that games are suitable for all children from 7 years:
This symbol shows that games contain scary content:
All information about the symbols can be found at:
If your games do not show any of these tested marks, you can look for a rating in the game guide. See: Game guide nrw.
Take a look at the USK symbols together and discuss the individual age recommendations. It is important that children learn to take care of it - and that they understand why the age recommendations are important.
USK from 0 means "Freed without age restriction according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games can be used by children of all ages, including:
Skill Games
Sports games
Thinking games
Adventure games
Role-playing games
When playing with this label, you should nevertheless see if these are really suitable for your children. They can be quite complex or difficult to understand - and therefore unsuitable for your (very small) children. In terms of content, however, they are safe!
USK from 6 means "released from 6 years according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games are family-friendly, but often more exciting and competitive, they have a higher game speed and already include more complex tasks.
These games include:
Racing Games
Building and strategy games
Adventure games
Role-playing games
These games contain short moments of tension and demand a better eye-hand coordination. Compared to games for older children, these games usually have a graphic representation that makes it easier for children to distinguish between fantasy world and reality.
Important: if your child should be stressed, scared or get excited more often, please check whether the chosen game is really suitable despite the appropriate USK recommendation. Then choose games that fit your child better.
USK from 12 means "released from 12 years of age according to § 14 JuSchG."
These games are not suitable for children under 12 years of age. On the one hand, because these games are usually more combative, and on the other hand, because the actions take place in an environment in which younger children are hard to distinguish between reality and fiction.
These games include:
Arcade games
Strategy games
Role-playing games
Adventure games
Important note: the USK often has nothing to do with the fact that children under the age of 12 can't understand or play these games. The reason for the recommendation is usually the lack of the possibility to distance between the game (i.e. the fiction) and reality. Therefore, it is important that your children don't play these games before they reach the appropriate age.
Finally, take a look at the games your children are already playing together and watch out for the ages.
If you choose new games, let your children check whether the games of age can fit and play the first time together with your child or watch your child play.
Films are marked with FSK markings in Germany, which are identical to the USK markings.
Further information can be found at:
An alternative to the USK symbols are the PEGI symbols. PEGI (Pan-European Game Information) is a European initiative that was developed around 2001/2002 (USK exists since 1994). It divides computer games using two symbol categories. On the one hand, these are the well-known age recommendations (from 3, 7, 12, 16 and 18 years old), on the other hand, there are symbols that evaluate the content:
Bad Language (wrong words and vulgar words)
Sex (sexual poses or allusions)
Drugs (drug use including tobacco and alcohol)
Discrimination (discriminations that can promote hatred)
In the following we show you an example.
This symbol indicates that games are suitable for all children from 7 years:
This symbol shows that games contain scary content:
All information about the symbols can be found at:
If your games do not show any of these tested marks, you can look for a rating in the game guide. See: Game guide nrw.
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