Admiring or catching soap bubbles

Rating4.010.0 thousand times. (1) DifficultyBeginner

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Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(35) Seifenblasen bewundern oder fangen'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.
 1 Soap bubbles

Blow bubbles. Little children watch and wonder. As soon as the children can walk they like to chase the bubbles and try to catch them.
In very small children, make sure that the soap bubbles do not fly into the face and thus the soap leach does not get into the face.


Soap bubbles are very easy to make, but mix 4 cups of warm water with half a cup of sugar and half a cup of detergent.
Tip: Don't have a bubble bottle at home, then just take a straw, attach a flower wire to it in a circle and blow the lye into the wire.


 1 Soap bubbles



Blow bubbles. Little children watch and wonder. As soon as the children can walk they like to chase the bubbles and try to catch them.
In very small children, make sure that the soap bubbles do not fly into the face and thus the soap leach does not get into the face.


Soap bubbles are very easy to make, but mix 4 cups of warm water with half a cup of sugar and half a cup of detergent.
Tip: Don't have a bubble bottle at home, then just take a straw, attach a flower wire to it in a circle and blow the lye into the wire.

Admiring or catching soap bubbles

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