A small fabric heart becomes a pincushion. Also as a gift a nice idea for sewing enthusiasts grandmothers, mommies or aunts.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Paint a heart on the fabric.
The fabric is double!
Cut out hearts with the fabric scissors.
Select a button and provide a 10 cm long band or cord.
Sew the button with needle and thread.
Attach a thread with a knot to the fabric, thread the button onto the thread and pierce through both buttonholes several times and fasten to the fabric. End on the back and tie the thread again.
Put cord on the heart (picture)
Put second heart above it (the beautiful sides lie on each other) cord lies in between.
Sew around the outside with a straight stitch. Make sure that the cord is not accidentally sewn.
Leave a 2 cm wide opening.
Turn the fabric heart, that the beautiful side lies outside! And now plug through the opening with fill floss. Possibly use a pen to plug in.
Close the open seam with pins and sew with needle and thread.
Our pincushion is ready.
I found a place for my heart on my sewing machine!
If you need another gift idea for Mother's Day or birthday, that would be one!
Hangs the heart as a pendant to a gift...
Paint a heart on the fabric.
The fabric is double!
Cut out hearts with the fabric scissors.
Select a button and provide a 10 cm long band or cord.
Sew the button with needle and thread.
Attach a thread with a knot to the fabric, thread the button onto the thread and pierce through both buttonholes several times and fasten to the fabric. End on the back and tie the thread again.
Put cord on the heart (picture)
Put second heart above it (the beautiful sides lie on each other) cord lies in between.
Sew around the outside with a straight stitch. Make sure that the cord is not accidentally sewn.
Leave a 2 cm wide opening.
Turn the fabric heart, that the beautiful side lies outside! And now plug through the opening with fill floss. Possibly use a pen to plug in.
Close the open seam with pins and sew with needle and thread.
Our pincushion is ready.
I found a place for my heart on my sewing machine!
If you need another gift idea for Mother's Day or birthday, that would be one!
Hangs the heart as a pendant to a gift...
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