A funny octopus from a plastic bottle that can jump, hop and dance!
You will need a large empty clean plastic bottle and a few wobble eyes. The bottom of the bottle is cut off and the bottle cut from the bottom to the top into narrow strips. With the help of the warmth of a candle, the plastic pulls together. The tentacles are created. A rubber band in the lid allows the octopus to dance.
Have fun.
A great offer for older children, who are able to observe the effect of heat (physical processes) well while at the same time being allowed to experiment themselves.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

First cut off the lower part of the bottle. The length of my bottle is now about 15-20cm. Let an adult help you with this!
Now start cutting the plastic from the bottom to the top into narrow strips. Uses scissors to do this.
Info: A real octopus has 8 arms.
Cut the strips up to the bottle neck.
Now bend the individual stripes a little apart with your hand.
Then round off each single strip at the bottom with scissors.
Now your plastic part resembles a flower.
Now you're stabbing a hole in the lid of the bottle.
Uses a fingernail scissors or a nail.
Attention: Risk of injury! Let an adult help you!
Then you thread a string through this hole.
Now knot the end of the cord and pull the thread back to the point where the knot lies in the inside of the lid.
Now you need the candle.
Attention: Use only one candle in the glass! So you have enough distance to the flame! Ignite the candle.
Now bend a strip slightly outwards and carefully approach the heat source. Observe the change of the plastic. If the plastic starts to pull together or turn in, then you will move away from the candle.
Attention: Don't go too close to the flame, or your octopus will turn black.
Repeats the process on each plastic strip.
Now glue the wobble eyes to the screw cap.
The octopus is ready.
Let her dance, play with her or use her as a decoration for the carnival, for her birthday or as a gift.
Have fun with it!
First cut off the lower part of the bottle. The length of my bottle is now about 15-20cm. Let an adult help you with this!
Now start cutting the plastic from the bottom to the top into narrow strips. Uses scissors to do this.
Info: A real octopus has 8 arms.
Cut the strips up to the bottle neck.
Now bend the individual stripes a little apart with your hand.
Then round off each single strip at the bottom with scissors.
Now your plastic part resembles a flower.
Now you're stabbing a hole in the lid of the bottle.
Uses a fingernail scissors or a nail.
Attention: Risk of injury! Let an adult help you!
Then you thread a string through this hole.
Now knot the end of the cord and pull the thread back to the point where the knot lies in the inside of the lid.
Now you need the candle.
Attention: Use only one candle in the glass! So you have enough distance to the flame! Ignite the candle.
Now bend a strip slightly outwards and carefully approach the heat source. Observe the change of the plastic. If the plastic starts to pull together or turn in, then you will move away from the candle.
Attention: Don't go too close to the flame, or your octopus will turn black.
Repeats the process on each plastic strip.
Now glue the wobble eyes to the screw cap.
The octopus is ready.
Let her dance, play with her or use her as a decoration for the carnival, for her birthday or as a gift.
Have fun with it!
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