This cactus can be used for many ideas. The sewing project can be carried out with or without a sewing machine.
You need green felt and padding. In addition, you need many pins with thick "heads".
Paint the cactus and sew the contours around it, only after sewing the shape is cut out. With an additional zigzag stitch you can sew the complete cactus around again, so it gets its beautiful "stacky" appearance. Markings such as small crosses embellish the cactus and at the same time determine the position of the needles. This is ideal for use as a fine motor game. For this the children can put the needles at the cross markings in the cactus and train thus eye-hand coordination as well as their fine motor skills.
When used as a needle cushion, you can also glue the cactus into a small clay pot and fill it with stones. Here, the crosses are not necessarily necessary as a marking, but only serve the optics.
If you need a gift that has to do with sewing, you can also glue this little cactus onto a picture frame and take it as a gift voucher.
Stay creative and follow the step by step guide. Have fun.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Paint a cactus yourself on a sheet of paper or print out the template. Cut it out and you can start.
Double the felt. Place the cactus template on the green felt and paint it with a ballpoint pen (this is good to see on almost any fabric). Do not cut out the cactus yet!
Add a green sewing thread to the sewing machine and sew, follow the recorded line, the cactus. When you arrive at corner points when sewing, let the needle stick in the fabric and briefly lift the sewing machine foot up to turn the fabric so that it can be further sewn on the line. Let the sewing foot down again and continue sewing. Sew on curves particularly slowly so that you can turn the fabric along.
The lower end of the cactus remains open. It should not be too tight. Take the cactus away from your sewing machine.
Cuts out the resulting felt cactus with the fabric scissors. Let only a very narrow edge survive. Then sews the cactus again with a zig-zag stitch.
Take a cotton pad or a cotton pad and fill the cactus through the lower opening. Uses a pen or other thin rod to push in the cotton pad.
The cactus should be well stuffed. Also in the round side arms should be fill cotton.
The cactus is now missing the thorns. Paints small crosses with a felt pen on the cactus. Here the needles are to be placed later.
If you try it yourself, a pin sticks into each painted cross.
To beautify the cactus, you can, for example, make a flower pot. For this, cut out a flower pot of felt and stick it to the bottom of the cactus.
Your cactus is ready.
As a fine motor game:
Place the cactus on a tray, with an additional small bowl or screw glass lid for the needles.
The children can then try to stick the needles into the small cactus. For this purpose the cross markings are intended. Children thus practice their dexterity, the tweezer handle is trained and the concentration.
When using needles that do not allow children to handle unattended!
As a pin cushion:
You can just as well stick the cactus into a real small clay pot and use it "standing". Put the cactus on a wooden stick. Fill the clay pot with small stones for stabilization. So the cactus is stuck upright in the clay pot.
As a gift voucher:
You can also stick the cactus on a picture frame, so you might get a gift voucher for a sewing project.
Keeping Creative
Paint a cactus yourself on a sheet of paper or print out the template. Cut it out and you can start.
Double the felt. Place the cactus template on the green felt and paint it with a ballpoint pen (this is good to see on almost any fabric). Do not cut out the cactus yet!
Add a green sewing thread to the sewing machine and sew, follow the recorded line, the cactus. When you arrive at corner points when sewing, let the needle stick in the fabric and briefly lift the sewing machine foot up to turn the fabric so that it can be further sewn on the line. Let the sewing foot down again and continue sewing. Sew on curves particularly slowly so that you can turn the fabric along.
The lower end of the cactus remains open. It should not be too tight. Take the cactus away from your sewing machine.
Cuts out the resulting felt cactus with the fabric scissors. Let only a very narrow edge survive. Then sews the cactus again with a zig-zag stitch.
Take a cotton pad or a cotton pad and fill the cactus through the lower opening. Uses a pen or other thin rod to push in the cotton pad.
The cactus should be well stuffed. Also in the round side arms should be fill cotton.
The cactus is now missing the thorns. Paints small crosses with a felt pen on the cactus. Here the needles are to be placed later.
If you try it yourself, a pin sticks into each painted cross.
To beautify the cactus, you can, for example, make a flower pot. For this, cut out a flower pot of felt and stick it to the bottom of the cactus.
Your cactus is ready.
As a fine motor game:
Place the cactus on a tray, with an additional small bowl or screw glass lid for the needles.
The children can then try to stick the needles into the small cactus. For this purpose the cross markings are intended. Children thus practice their dexterity, the tweezer handle is trained and the concentration.
When using needles that do not allow children to handle unattended!
As a pin cushion:
You can just as well stick the cactus into a real small clay pot and use it "standing". Put the cactus on a wooden stick. Fill the clay pot with small stones for stabilization. So the cactus is stuck upright in the clay pot.
As a gift voucher:
You can also stick the cactus on a picture frame, so you might get a gift voucher for a sewing project.
Keeping Creative
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