Material: Garten shears

Sew candle

We sew a candle. A piece of foam pipe insulation serves as filling. As a wick we use a piece of a branch and on it is inserted a sewn flame. The candle is also suitable for sewing beginners, look at the illustrated instructions.
This candle can be used in many ways, e.g. as first sewing projects for primary school children or as learning material for crib children or as decoration during Advent or for birthdays. See for yourself.

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Chilled glass with leaves

Put the autumn into a glass and let the leaves swirl. This little game gives children great pleasure. It is quickly implemented and can also be used to talk about the weather and autumn together. Have fun!

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Framework for natural treasures (4 ideas)

Get the seasons in your house. A self-built frame made of wooden sticks we puffed up by a thread net in which you can decorate any natural materials or finds. This gives you a frame that you can decorate again depending on the season.

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Crafting with wooden branches

A mobile from wooden branches was created with us after a long walk. In which we searched for beautiful branches.
At home we shortened the branches to a similar length and then knotted the branches together with a thick package line. The finished mobile now decorates the hallway. Just try it out!

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Pot coasters of wooden rods

This craft idea with wooden sticks is certainly exciting for all children, who want to take branches and woods home on every walk. Make sure that you collect branches of different bushes and trees. From this you can make your own pot coaster.

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Picture frames made of branches

A walk in the forest is an experience in every season. Collect a few similarly strong branches and then make a picture frame at home! I'll show you how.
Maybe you will also find something nice, which can find a place in your frame!

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Cut and dry lavender (leaved harvest)

Harvesting and drying lavender makes it possible to smell the fine aroma of lavender all year round and to use it in the household. Those who want to harvest their lavender for fragrance bags, herbal tea or other purposes should wait for the harvest until the right time. We reveal when it is and what you should pay attention to when harvesting lavender flowers.

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