Jahreszeit: Autumn

Rooster of grain and stones

"The cock on the crap that sings: kokedideldu…."
A striking animal, which I made you with natural materials.
Whether you're on a farm holiday or the rooster in the zoo inspires you – also a picture book or a song can be an incentive to make a rooster. Here I'll show you how easy it is!

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Mice of cereals and stones

Mice on the Grainacker… you can discover them if you are looking very quietly … maybe you also want to make a picture with mice made of stones and grains … collects flat stones, picks a few grains from the roadside (takes spelt or wheat grains) and you can get started. I'll show you an idea here:

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Lavender bouquet in glass

Small children can make this simple bouquet themselves and deepen themselves in doing so. For a garden festival or a gift, the bouquet is well suited, as the lavender bouquet does not need any water.

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Heart of cereals

An empty white picture frame with a white insert sheet is glued with grain grains. Wood glue is ideal for gluing grains. You can choose the motif freely. I'll show you the craft idea with a heart!
A nice adventure for hot summer days on the farm or on holiday.

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Binding ear-straw

A beautiful ostrich can be put together from grain ears. Children get to know different types of cereals and gain experience with nature.

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Lavender table decoration (simple)

Quickly this table decoration is made of very simple materials. You certainly have everything at home. You don't even need to have napkins for your guests at home. A kitchen crepe, a kitchen roll (or toilet paper roll) and a bunch of lavender and rosemary suffice for this beautiful decoration idea!

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Cut and dry lavender (leaved harvest)

Harvesting and drying lavender makes it possible to smell the fine aroma of lavender all year round and to use it in the household. Those who want to harvest their lavender for fragrance bags, herbal tea or other purposes should wait for the harvest until the right time. We reveal when it is and what you should pay attention to when harvesting lavender flowers.

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