Jahreszeit: Autumn

Apple fishing – Fruit diving

A classic for the children's birthday party is the apple fishing or also the apple diving. In this funny game skill is required. In a bowl with water float apples. One after the other, each child bends over the bowl and tries to fish out an apple with the mouth. The hands must not be used, they lie on the back.
For smaller children the biting in an entire apple is often still difficult. You can just Carving Apple Ships, carve other patterns or let other fruits such as blueberries fish. Let yourself be inspired.

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Lavender sacks (barrels)

With a very simple cut, this owl is also suitable for beginners! Pick out a beautiful cotton fabric and buttons, pick up some branches of dried lavender, and you can get started. Children can watch, they can provide you with the fabric, help you plug in and experience how fabric can turn into a beautiful fragrant owl.

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Lavender bags (organza bags)

I'm sure you still have a little jewelry bag around! You can use this as a lavender bag.
Simply fill in the empty bag of dried lavender and a fragrant bag is ready for e.g. a room, a closet or the car!

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Windlight with grain grains

Grain grains can be easily attached to glass with wood glue. A slightly different decoration idea is a grain-grain windlight. For this purpose, paint your motif with wood glue on an empty honey glass and scatter the grains over it. This slightly press and is finished your grain motif! Now a tea light in the glass and ready is a table decoration for a summer party or a harvest party. By the way, you often find a few single grains at the edges.

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Grain Love

A nice gift for summer or early autumn! Quickly made and not difficult at all.
Find some grains, you'll find them at the edges of the road!
Grains of grain you may even have in the kitchen or you buy spelt or wheat grains.
These are versatile. Take a look at the other offers for Cereals ==References==

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Mice of cereals and stones

Make a picture of mice on a stubble field on a hot day. When the fields are threshed, there are still a few ears of grain at the edges of the field and even flat stones are often at the edge of the road. First take a walk to the "Treasure Search" and then make your findings.
Here I have an idea. Stay creative and try it out yourself!

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Flower of cereals and stones

Today we make a flower picture of natural materials.
Grain is so versatile and invites us to deal with it.
In this handicraft work we use the grains, the straws and also the grain grain.
Combined with flat stones, a harmonious image of natural materials is created, which is brought to light by a coloured frame.

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Tractor of cereals and stones

A harvest experience in the countryside inspired me to make this tractor with the children. With stones and grain, which we collected along fields during the walk, came this craft idea. A lasting memory. Perhaps it also serves as an inspiration for you to craft with natural materials.

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