Writing words with magnets

Rating0.05.3 Thousand times & (0) DifficultyBeginner
Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(48) Wörter mit Magneten schreiben'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.
 1 Pack of magnets with letters
 1 Radiators (attention, this must not be hot)Alternatively, baking trays are also suitable

The magnetic letters on the radiator (attention, this must not be hot).


The child writes his name, the names of family members or friends.

You can also always write something to the child and the child reads the words or small messages during the day.
The offer also works with numbers and small computational tasks.


 1 Pack of magnets with letters
 1 Radiators (attention, this must not be hot)Alternatively, baking trays are also suitable



The magnetic letters on the radiator (attention, this must not be hot).


The child writes his name, the names of family members or friends.

You can also always write something to the child and the child reads the words or small messages during the day.
The offer also works with numbers and small computational tasks.

Writing words with magnets

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