Jumping trampoline with balloons

Rating5.05.6 Thousand times & (2) DifficultyBeginner

Play, fun and lots of exercise are guaranteed when a balloon comes into the trampoline.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

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Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(130) Trampolinspringen mit Luftballons'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.
 1 Balloon

Inflate the balloon.


Different game ideas for the trampoline:
The balloon lies in the trampoline on the ground and is supposed to jump through the bouncing up.
The kids are trying to jump on the balloon in the trampoline.
A child or adult is standing in front of the trampoline. The children try to throw out the balloon again and again. The adult throws him back in and the children try to catch him.
The children should take off the shoes in the trampoline so that there is no risk of injury.


In the case of crib children, the balloon in the trampoline can also simply stimulate movement such as crawling. The children crawl after the balloon or watch how it moves through its movement.


 1 Balloon



Inflate the balloon.


Different game ideas for the trampoline:
The balloon lies in the trampoline on the ground and is supposed to jump through the bouncing up.
The kids are trying to jump on the balloon in the trampoline.
A child or adult is standing in front of the trampoline. The children try to throw out the balloon again and again. The adult throws him back in and the children try to catch him.
The children should take off the shoes in the trampoline so that there is no risk of injury.


In the case of crib children, the balloon in the trampoline can also simply stimulate movement such as crawling. The children crawl after the balloon or watch how it moves through its movement.

Jumping trampoline with balloons

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