Guessing Animal Louds

Rating5.03.9 Thousand times & (1) DifficultyIntermediate
Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(45) Tierlaute erraten'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.

A child thinks about an animal and imitates the sound of the animal. Others guess the animal (e.g. pig, cow, sheep, dog)

If the children are older, the children can be divided into groups. Each group chooses an animal and imitates it. In a darkened room, the groups must come together by means of the animal sounds. The group, which has come together the fastest, has won.





A child thinks about an animal and imitates the sound of the animal. Others guess the animal (e.g. pig, cow, sheep, dog)

If the children are older, the children can be divided into groups. Each group chooses an animal and imitates it. In a darkened room, the groups must come together by means of the animal sounds. The group, which has come together the fastest, has won.

Guessing Animal Louds

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