Ideas for slalom rides

Rating4.59.8 thousand times & (2) DifficultyIntermediate

This adventure is suitable for a child or for a child's birthday party.
Instead of hats, cans or plastic bottles are also available.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

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Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(122) Spielideen für Slalomfahrten'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time5 min.Adv. Time35 min.Total Time40 min.
 HatsAlternatively, cans or water bottles (no glass) can be used.
 Small materials such as chestnutsor bricks or tennis balls
 Toys e.g. small items from the shop or the children's kitchen
 Bobycar, balance bike, bicycle, tricycle
 1 Basketor bag for collecting the items

Set up the hats in a row. The children's rides in the slalom around the hats. The closer the hats are to each other, the more difficult the slalom ride becomes.


Sprinkle different materials around the hats and put a basket at the end of the track. Children collect the materials on the ride and place them in the basket at the end of the track.


Place small objects such as stones on the hats and put a basket at the end of the track. Children collect the stones from the hats (without throwing them over) on the ride and place them in the basket at the end of the track.


Put all the stones in the basket. The journey begins now at the basket. The children take out the stones and put them back on the hats.


The children certainly have further ideas. These implement or let the children simply drive with different vehicles (boby car, impeller or impeller and bicycle or tricycle) in slalom.


The children also like it very much when they are pushed around the hats in the slalom. This is possible with a rollerboard and a cardboard box. There the child can sit in and be pushed. If you have two rollerboards and boxes, then the game is also suitable for a children's birthday party, where the bet can be raced.


 HatsAlternatively, cans or water bottles (no glass) can be used.
 Small materials such as chestnutsor bricks or tennis balls
 Toys e.g. small items from the shop or the children's kitchen
 Bobycar, balance bike, bicycle, tricycle
 1 Basketor bag for collecting the items



Set up the hats in a row. The children's rides in the slalom around the hats. The closer the hats are to each other, the more difficult the slalom ride becomes.


Sprinkle different materials around the hats and put a basket at the end of the track. Children collect the materials on the ride and place them in the basket at the end of the track.


Place small objects such as stones on the hats and put a basket at the end of the track. Children collect the stones from the hats (without throwing them over) on the ride and place them in the basket at the end of the track.


Put all the stones in the basket. The journey begins now at the basket. The children take out the stones and put them back on the hats.


The children certainly have further ideas. These implement or let the children simply drive with different vehicles (boby car, impeller or impeller and bicycle or tricycle) in slalom.


The children also like it very much when they are pushed around the hats in the slalom. This is possible with a rollerboard and a cardboard box. There the child can sit in and be pushed. If you have two rollerboards and boxes, then the game is also suitable for a children's birthday party, where the bet can be raced.

Ideas for slalom rides

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