Serviette ring made of iron beads

Rating5.06.4 Thousand times & (4) DifficultyIntermediate

This napkin ring embellishes every table and is an absolute highlight for Mother's Day. You probably have everything you need for this napkin ring at home. A thick handicraft wire, ironing beads, a strip of cardboard roll and some clay paper. In 20 minutes you can make this beautiful table decoration, which by the way convinces even when visiting grandma and grandpa.
Have fun doing crafts and get started!

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(738) Serviettenring aus Bügelperlen'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time5 min.Adv. Time20 min.Total Time25 min.
 1 Rolled paperToilet paper roll, kitchen roll, etc.
 Bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-rolled, hot-rolled, not further worked than hot-rolled (cold-reduced), not further worked than hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-reduced (cold-reduced), hot-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced
 Craft wire thickabout 15cm long
 Coloured clay paper
 1 Wire shears or pliers
 1 Pen
 1 Hot glue gun
 1 Builder's pad
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.

First you prepare your materials and cut off a piece of wire. The length of the wire is slightly larger than the diameter of your cardboard roll.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Zuerst legt ihr eure Materialien bereit und schneidet euch ein...'


Now you bend the wire at the end a little bit, so that the threaded beads don't slip you down. Then you thread up the temple beads.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt biegt ihr den Draht am Ende etwas um, so...'


Fills the complete wire with beads. Pushs it together completely.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Füllt den kompletten Draht mit Perlen. Schiebt sie lückenlos zusammen.'


Then you bend the wire to a circle. To the end beads you pat some hot glue, so you fix the beads. Attention when handling the hot glue - danger of injury!

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann biegt ihr den Draht zu einem Kreis. An die...'


Now you cut the paper roll to a width of about 2cm. Then you put the pearl ring around the paper roll.

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt schneidet ihr euch die Papprolle auf eine Breite von...'


Now fix the pearl ring with some hot glue on the cardboard roll. A swab is enough here. Do not stick on the whole pearl ring!

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Fixiert den Perlenring nun mit etwas Heißkleber an der Papprolle....'


Then you cut out different sized hearts from clay paper.

Tip: Used for the hearts remaining pieces of clay paper or advertising brochures.

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann schneidet ihr euch aus Tonpapier unterschiedlich große Herzen aus....'


Then lay her hearts between the pearl ring and the cardboard roll.

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Anschließend legt ihr die Herzen zwischen Perlenring und Papprolle.'


Now roll up a napkin and push it through the napkin ring.

Tip: Alternatively, you can also use kitchen crepe. The napkin ring thus convinces even without napkins as table decoration.

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Nun rollt ihr eine Serviette zusammen und schiebt sie durch...'


Put some more hearts on the napkin or the kitchen crepe.
Finished is a simple table decoration for Mother's Day, for a birthday or for guests.

Bild zum Schritt 10 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Legt auf die Serviette oder das Küchenkrepp noch ein paar...'


Enjoy your crafting!


 1 Rolled paperToilet paper roll, kitchen roll, etc.
 Bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-rolled, hot-rolled, not further worked than hot-rolled (cold-reduced), not further worked than hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-rolled (cold-reduced), hot-reduced (cold-reduced), hot-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced-reduced
 Craft wire thickabout 15cm long
 Coloured clay paper
 1 Wire shears or pliers
 1 Pen
 1 Hot glue gun
 1 Builder's pad
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.



First you prepare your materials and cut off a piece of wire. The length of the wire is slightly larger than the diameter of your cardboard roll.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Zuerst legt ihr eure Materialien bereit und schneidet euch ein...'


Now you bend the wire at the end a little bit, so that the threaded beads don't slip you down. Then you thread up the temple beads.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt biegt ihr den Draht am Ende etwas um, so...'


Fills the complete wire with beads. Pushs it together completely.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Füllt den kompletten Draht mit Perlen. Schiebt sie lückenlos zusammen.'


Then you bend the wire to a circle. To the end beads you pat some hot glue, so you fix the beads. Attention when handling the hot glue - danger of injury!

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann biegt ihr den Draht zu einem Kreis. An die...'


Now you cut the paper roll to a width of about 2cm. Then you put the pearl ring around the paper roll.

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt schneidet ihr euch die Papprolle auf eine Breite von...'


Now fix the pearl ring with some hot glue on the cardboard roll. A swab is enough here. Do not stick on the whole pearl ring!

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Fixiert den Perlenring nun mit etwas Heißkleber an der Papprolle....'


Then you cut out different sized hearts from clay paper.

Tip: Used for the hearts remaining pieces of clay paper or advertising brochures.

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann schneidet ihr euch aus Tonpapier unterschiedlich große Herzen aus....'


Then lay her hearts between the pearl ring and the cardboard roll.

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Anschließend legt ihr die Herzen zwischen Perlenring und Papprolle.'


Now roll up a napkin and push it through the napkin ring.

Tip: Alternatively, you can also use kitchen crepe. The napkin ring thus convinces even without napkins as table decoration.

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Nun rollt ihr eine Serviette zusammen und schiebt sie durch...'


Put some more hearts on the napkin or the kitchen crepe.
Finished is a simple table decoration for Mother's Day, for a birthday or for guests.

Bild zum Schritt 10 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Legt auf die Serviette oder das Küchenkrepp noch ein paar...'


Enjoy your crafting!

Serviette ring made of iron beads

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