It fascinates children to observe growth. Every day it is impatient to see if a small leaf sharpens. All the more beautiful is to be able to harvest a radish after this long waiting time! Try it out!
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

First, get everything ready, choose a glass, your Tetra-Pack or a flower pot.
Then fill the earth in the glass.
Push the earth with your fingers.
Then you put the radish seed on the ground.
Then you cover the seed with some soil.
Push the earth slightly and moisturize it.
Then she puts in a sunny place.
After a few days a small plant is already sharpening out of the earth.
And it grows and grows.
After some time you discover a little red button - the radish!
If the radish is big enough, you can reap it!
Then you wash the radish and remove the long thin root thread. Now you can eat the radish.
First, get everything ready, choose a glass, your Tetra-Pack or a flower pot.
Then fill the earth in the glass.
Push the earth with your fingers.
Then you put the radish seed on the ground.
Then you cover the seed with some soil.
Push the earth slightly and moisturize it.
Then she puts in a sunny place.
After a few days a small plant is already sharpening out of the earth.
And it grows and grows.
After some time you discover a little red button - the radish!
If the radish is big enough, you can reap it!
Then you wash the radish and remove the long thin root thread. Now you can eat the radish.
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