Even making table decoration is not so complicated! Let the children cut off the lavender with the scissors. Watch out for bumblebees that may be sitting in the lavender! In addition, you need a piece of cardboard roll (kloroll/kitchen roll), a household rubber, a string or bast and a scissors. It can start. How? I'll show you this here.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Harvest lavender.
Cut off a cardboard roll 4-5 cm wide.
Put a household rubber over the cardboard roll ring.
Cut the lavender stems to max. 8-10 cm. Now push the individual lavender stems through the rubber. Thus, the stems are fixed to the cardboard roll.
Push the lavender blossoms to the right, so that the cardboard roll is covered.
You can leave the stems for different lengths!
If you like it better, that they have the same length, then you have to cut them with the scissors. (Look at the last picture!)
Now tie a bast or a cord over the rubber.
The cord is knotted and finished is the lavender napkin ring.
Roll in a napkin loosely from one side.
Gently push this "roll" from above through the lavender ring.
Your lavender napkin ring decoration is ready.
Let the children help diligently, I'm sure you don't just need a napkin ring!
Have fun with it!
Here the stems are shortened to a length!
Decide for yourself what you like better!
Harvest lavender.
Cut off a cardboard roll 4-5 cm wide.
Put a household rubber over the cardboard roll ring.
Cut the lavender stems to max. 8-10 cm. Now push the individual lavender stems through the rubber. Thus, the stems are fixed to the cardboard roll.
Push the lavender blossoms to the right, so that the cardboard roll is covered.
You can leave the stems for different lengths!
If you like it better, that they have the same length, then you have to cut them with the scissors. (Look at the last picture!)
Now tie a bast or a cord over the rubber.
The cord is knotted and finished is the lavender napkin ring.
Roll in a napkin loosely from one side.
Gently push this "roll" from above through the lavender ring.
Your lavender napkin ring decoration is ready.
Let the children help diligently, I'm sure you don't just need a napkin ring!
Have fun with it!
Here the stems are shortened to a length!
Decide for yourself what you like better!
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