I cut pumpkin faces in loinsticks for baking and let myself be surprised what they look like after baking. See for yourself!
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Place lugs for thawing (at room temperature) on a baking tray for about 10 minutes.
Then cut the rods into pieces (about 5 cm long).
Each piece now becomes a small mini pumpkin?.
For this purpose, the knife cuts two small triangles into each section. These are the eyes.
The triangles peck her out with the knife.
Thus, the outside of the lye cheek becomes brown when baking and the eyes remain white.
Then use the knife to cut a zigzag pattern for the mouth.
Make sure you cut deep enough so that the mouth can break apart while baking.
Just try out more pumpkin faces!
Then place the dough on a baking tray filled with baking paper.
Remove the finished lye pumpkins from the oven and let cool down a little.
This little pastry is great for Halloween finger food buffet.
Why don't you try it yourself?
Place lugs for thawing (at room temperature) on a baking tray for about 10 minutes.
Then cut the rods into pieces (about 5 cm long).
Each piece now becomes a small mini pumpkin?.
For this purpose, the knife cuts two small triangles into each section. These are the eyes.
The triangles peck her out with the knife.
Thus, the outside of the lye cheek becomes brown when baking and the eyes remain white.
Then use the knife to cut a zigzag pattern for the mouth.
Make sure you cut deep enough so that the mouth can break apart while baking.
Just try out more pumpkin faces!
Then place the dough on a baking tray filled with baking paper.
Remove the finished lye pumpkins from the oven and let cool down a little.
This little pastry is great for Halloween finger food buffet.
Why don't you try it yourself?
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