Concentration Game Packing Suitcases

Rating5.03.4 Thousand times & (2) DifficultyIntermediate
Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(44) Konzentrationsspiel Koffer packen'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.

The youngest child starts and says, "I pack my suitcase and take... with." For example, a few shoes. The next child repeats the sentence and says, "I pack my suitcase and take a few shoes with me and "... e.g. a toothbrush. The next child repeats everything previously said and complements the sentence with an object of his choice. etc.
This game is suitable for different situations, e.g. when driving a car or with a doctor, when waiting too long for children or simply going to bed in the evening.





The youngest child starts and says, "I pack my suitcase and take... with." For example, a few shoes. The next child repeats the sentence and says, "I pack my suitcase and take a few shoes with me and "... e.g. a toothbrush. The next child repeats everything previously said and complements the sentence with an object of his choice. etc.
This game is suitable for different situations, e.g. when driving a car or with a doctor, when waiting too long for children or simply going to bed in the evening.

Concentration Game Packing Suitcases

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