Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Every child gets a camera.
We make up a time when we meet again and a radius. It is possible to go exclusively in the house on a journey of discovery or also in the garden or yard or depending on the age of the children in the vicinity.
The children go off alone or together and take pictures of what they want.
We finally look at the photos together and each child tells something about his pictures.
You can also have one image per child or more selected, print it out and frame. You can hang it up or arrange a vernissage with it.
Every child gets a camera.
We make up a time when we meet again and a radius. It is possible to go exclusively in the house on a journey of discovery or also in the garden or yard or depending on the age of the children in the vicinity.
The children go off alone or together and take pictures of what they want.
We finally look at the photos together and each child tells something about his pictures.
You can also have one image per child or more selected, print it out and frame. You can hang it up or arrange a vernissage with it.
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