You have many small works of art? How about making a special frame for it? An artistic frame underlines your beautiful work. I'll show you how to create a (picture) frame from four branches.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

First collect 4 wooden sticks.
Now put the wooden sticks to a square. The ends of the branches stand over each side.
The corners are knotted with a piece of package cord.
Then make a second knot on it, so to speak a double knot.
That's how you knot all four corners.
Then you attach a string to hang up at the top. It also binds to a branch side with a double knot.
The frame is ready!
You attach your work of art to the wooden frame with a rice nail from behind.
Hang the frame to a place of your choice and enjoy it.
Or make it as a gift.
First collect 4 wooden sticks.
Now put the wooden sticks to a square. The ends of the branches stand over each side.
The corners are knotted with a piece of package cord.
Then make a second knot on it, so to speak a double knot.
That's how you knot all four corners.
Then you attach a string to hang up at the top. It also binds to a branch side with a double knot.
The frame is ready!
You attach your work of art to the wooden frame with a rice nail from behind.
Hang the frame to a place of your choice and enjoy it.
Or make it as a gift.
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