Material: Wadding

Snowman of papier mâché

This little snowman is made of papier mâché. For this, small balloons are glued with paper and paste and then designed. During this adventure, several children can also create a snowman together. Have fun!

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Snowman laying game

In this game with the snowman the cotton wool is placed on prepainted circles. The children can grab the cotton wool either with their hands or with a pastry plier.
In this game you train the concentration and tactile perception. The confrontation with Watte is a particularly interesting experience especially for crib children. Afterwards I have some variations and extended game ideas with this material.

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Snowmen (variants)

It doesn't always have to be the typical snowman! Here I show you a few very simple variants for creative children.
If the snowman forms a frame right away, then the finished work of art is perfectly framed.
From two cotton wool pads and a few other utensils quickly becomes a "magic snowman" or "snowman", a "elfen snowwoman" or "snowman", a "builder snowman&#8220"; or "snowman" and a chimney sweeper snowman with cylinder and broom.

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Snowman Queen (with history)

When designing a snowman, bring some variety and above all creativity into play.
I told the kids a little story you can find here.
Have I made you curious? Then look inside. Maybe this adventure is exactly for you!

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