Material: Cutting board

Apple face (carving apple)

Why not carve a face out of an apple?
With the zigzag cut you divide the apple, carve the "teeth" in the mouth area a little bit, stick out two eyes with the apple cutter and already the apple face is finished.
Look at the instructions, then you'll see that it's not that complicated!

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Apple Ship (carving apple)

Apple ships are made quickly. Especially if the child wants to eat only half an apple or wants to share the apple. Half an apple is enough for a boat or sailboat.
A narrow cut is cut from the apple half and used as a sail.
The ship is ready!

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Apple crowns (carving apple)

Eating a whole apple is always a challenge for children. Even the first bite is often difficult for the little mouths! Therefore I like to cut the apple into smaller pieces for my children. From my childhood I remember the beautiful figures that our mother always carved. This crown was also called "magic apple". We could not see until the last cut on the apple what a beautiful crown was created. For us the magic was. The apple crown is also a great option if you only have one apple at home, but two children who should share it.
In the offer you see how it is made.

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Apple plaice (carving apple)

With a few cuts, a dark red glowing apple becomes a fly mushroom.
Children do not always like to eat the peel of the apple, but this is the "Hingucker" with the fly fungus!
Therefore, the fly mushroom is a way to move the children to eat the bowl. Children's eyes will shine, and the apple will certainly love to be eaten.
Here is the instructions: You need a red apple, a knife and, if necessary, an apple cutter.

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Cheese-Schinken-Gurke: snails

It's easy! Finger food for kids! A slice of cooked ham and a slice of cheese are put on top of each other and rolled together. Cut into slices, each roll is punctured with a toothpick and put on a cucumber. Finished are the "snails". Served on a fresh salad leaf, they look like bites!
Try it out. Children love this "bread-free variant" and a few Loin chestnuts they also taste delicious!

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Melon pizza (2 variants)

Why don't you serve your guests a melon pizza for dessert?
Mouth-appropriate pieces allow a simple meal without cutlery. That's why the melon pizza is perfect for the finger food buffet!
Today I have two variants: a taste experience with feta and balsamic dressing, and the sweeter version with chopped almonds and chocolate sauce.

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Loin sausages - finger food

Do you have sausages left over from the last barbecue? Then try out this kind of residue recycling! With a leek pretzels to bake up you conjure up a delicious leftover food that everyone will fight for. The loin sausages are also suitable for the next barbecue party, a finger food buffet or the next children's birthday party.

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Bake alkali chestnuts

We make small "Kastanien" for a picnic a finger food buffet or the next barbecue. Children can help with cutting and even watch when baking as dark brown "Kastanien" emerge from the light dough. They even look like real chestnuts!

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Radishes bratwurst salad

Is excellent as "resteverwertung". For example, if fried frying sausages were left from grilling! With salad cucumber and radishes a great fresh salad combination. Also fits well with pellets or a butterbread. Thus children also learn how to use food leftovers.

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