Material: Grinding paper

Wait-time bars

For small children, time is not yet a term they can start with. "How long does it take until & #8230;?" or "When does it finally come & #8230;?" or "How often do I have to sleep until & #8230;?" How often do we parents hear these questions?
To illustrate the time of waiting for the children, I made this waiting-time bar.
It is used in a variety of ways. For example, when waiting for a upcoming football game, the start of the holiday, the tingling anticipation of the birthday, when waiting for a celebration, such as the lantern festival, Easter or Christmas.
I only made this bar with 24 days to use it for the Advent season. Moreover, hardly a child can cover the period until the day of joy months before. Therefore, long 24 days for us. But you can also make a bar with 31 days! This is especially ideal if the birthday of the child is one day after the 24th day of the month!

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Advent calendar bar

An enchanting idea that inspires children interested in craftsmanship. Dealing with saws, drilling machines and Schmirgelpapier becomes an exciting experience and ultimately creativity in the design is still needed.
Other variants of a waiting bar for children I'll show you here (e.g. to be able to place the time until the birthday, at a football game or at a lantern party).
Children often cannot estimate times yet and often feel waiting times unbearably long. These waiting bars make the waiting times more vivid for the children – because every day the event comes a little closer.

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Hearts of concrete

As a table deco excellent suitable whether for birthday, Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.. just make a few more, then you can give them away!

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