Material: Cooking spoons

Bake the carrots

This is where childhood memories come up! These delicious Krapfen (Berliner) are a bit more elaborate in the production, because the dough has to open twice! But the wait is worth it! I'll show you how to bake the Krapfen step by step. Look at it and dare to try it yourself once. This recipe results in about 35 small Krapfen. For a small carnival party, it's definitely worth the effort! Enjoy the Krapfen absolutely fresh!
Tip: The dough is also suitable for filled doughs. For this you only have to reduce the temperature of the fat. Thus the dough is also made inside.
Try it out!

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Cladding chef

Children love to dress up and so disguises are not only suitable for the carnival party, but all year round. Accordingly, disguises should be practical for children. For this disguise you probably have everything at home. All you need is a children's apron, a cooking cap, a pot and a cooking spoon. You don't have a cooking cap? Then use a stirring bowl or you can also use a Sew cooking cap.

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Snowman cladding (excluding sewing)

Fasching/Karneval disguise or for playing in the winter season.
With a white pillow cover you can quickly create a snowman outfit. Black circles are glued on as buttons. An old hat, a cylinder, a bucket, a cap or a pot serve the snowman as headgear. In the hand a child's broom or a branch.
Small children often don't like anything on the face, which is why the costume is quite sufficient.
If you still want to make a carrot nose, then paint a tip out of an egg box and attach to this one rubber. Thus the carrot can be pulled over the nose.
Your costume is ready.

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These chocolate-obladen cookies, the so-called "Heinerle" must not be missing on the cookie plate!
According to my grandmother's recipe, they are also a piece of childhood memory for me. My own children love them as much as I do. And as you can make these baking-free cookies, I'll show you here:

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Sew a wreath

From fabric we sew a wreath. A simple sewing instruction for a very special Advent wreath. The instruction with template is also suitable for sewing beginners. You can also attach four candles on the wreath. How this works we show you in a different offer.

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