Material: Insertion sheet

Snowmen (variants)

It doesn't always have to be the typical snowman! Here I show you a few very simple variants for creative children.
If the snowman forms a frame right away, then the finished work of art is perfectly framed.
From two cotton wool pads and a few other utensils quickly becomes a "magic snowman" or "snowman", a "elfen snowwoman" or "snowman", a "builder snowman&#8220"; or "snowman" and a chimney sweeper snowman with cylinder and broom.

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Mice of cereals and stones

Make a picture of mice on a stubble field on a hot day. When the fields are threshed, there are still a few ears of grain at the edges of the field and even flat stones are often at the edge of the road. First take a walk to the "Treasure Search" and then make your findings.
Here I have an idea. Stay creative and try it out yourself!

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Flower of cereals and stones

Today we make a flower picture of natural materials.
Grain is so versatile and invites us to deal with it.
In this handicraft work we use the grains, the straws and also the grain grain.
Combined with flat stones, a harmonious image of natural materials is created, which is brought to light by a coloured frame.

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Tractor of cereals and stones

A harvest experience in the countryside inspired me to make this tractor with the children. With stones and grain, which we collected along fields during the walk, came this craft idea. A lasting memory. Perhaps it also serves as an inspiration for you to craft with natural materials.

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Mice of cereals and stones

Mice on the Grainacker… you can discover them if you are looking very quietly … maybe you also want to make a picture with mice made of stones and grains … collects flat stones, picks a few grains from the roadside (takes spelt or wheat grains) and you can get started. I'll show you an idea here:

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