Material: Book

Ironing Beads Pig – Lucky Pig (with template)

A lucky pig is a nice gift for the New Year, as a lucky charm for a nice occasion or for recovery.
Use this template and lay down your own lucky pig.
Go row by row and start laying from below. The children learn how to count and how to work with a template. Try it yourself! Have fun with the template.

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Advent Calendar Glasses

You have lots of glasses at home? Then I would have the ideal Advent Calendar for you. Upcyclen: We use old book pages to glue the glasses and the cards with the numbers we make from thin cardboard box. Is everything ready? Then I'll show you how to do it!

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Advent Candles – the slightly different Advent wreath

Advent candles are a beautiful alternative to the Advent wreath. They are made quickly and sustainable.?
Glues tin cans with numbers from old book pages. For small children who do not yet know the numbers, an additional point system is used. The dice eyes make it easier for children to find the matching candle. Try it out!

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Butterfly from book pages

From the described pages of an old or broken book we make butterflies. As pendant or embellishment of a gift, as a deco for a spring bouquet, as motive for a Mother's Day or birthday card…

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