Jahreszeit: Autumn

Rose hips in wine glass

An inexpensive table decoration for autumn. Here the children not only get to know the rose hips as a fruit of autumn, but also the handling of easily fragile objects, such as a wine glass. They have to be very careful with this decoration idea, so that the glass does not fall down while decorating it. This requires touch and concentration.

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Table light with rose hips

This autumnal table decoration is made very quickly. Pick a handful of rose hips at the side of the way and put them in a glass with water. They sink to the bottom of the glass and are a nice colour swab. For small children it is an experience to throw the rose hips into the water and watch them sink. You can help here perfectly.

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Flowermobile with acorns/hagehips

This small crafting requires skill, eye-hand coordination and concentration. First make a flower made of paper rolls and then stick a rose hip or acorn in each roll. So you have a small autumn mobile, which looks beautiful in the window, for example.

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Hanging autumn glasses

Put the autumn in a glass! Fill glasses with acorns, rose hips, small cones with the children and hang them in the window. Quite simple and so beautiful!

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Autumn Treasury

Autumn has so many great treasures to offer! The beauty of colours alone! Bring them into your house and enjoy it. I'll show you how! Your kids will certainly help you with collecting and filling the autumn glasses.

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Rose hips for decoration

The children are fascinated by the red colour of the rose hips and like to pick some fruits from the bushes. Use this fascination and decorated with rose hips! This free natural material looks particularly appealing in autumn due to its colours.

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