Fest: Other

Bathing salt cunts

This small bath salt sponge is easy to make yourself. This is a gift without much material, ideal for upcycling. Fill bath salt in a nice narrow glass and close it. Then you make a funny cap out of an old knit sock. With a piece of your sock you conjure up a scarf, two wobble eyes and a Styrofoam ball on it and finished is a magical little gift.
You don't have all the materials at home? No problem, as always I have some alternatives for you!

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Wait-time bars

For small children, time is not yet a term they can start with. "How long does it take until & #8230;?" or "When does it finally come & #8230;?" or "How often do I have to sleep until & #8230;?" How often do we parents hear these questions?
To illustrate the time of waiting for the children, I made this waiting-time bar.
It is used in a variety of ways. For example, when waiting for a upcoming football game, the start of the holiday, the tingling anticipation of the birthday, when waiting for a celebration, such as the lantern festival, Easter or Christmas.
I only made this bar with 24 days to use it for the Advent season. Moreover, hardly a child can cover the period until the day of joy months before. Therefore, long 24 days for us. But you can also make a bar with 31 days! This is especially ideal if the birthday of the child is one day after the 24th day of the month!

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These small classic Americans are a fast-prepared pastry for spontaneous visit. The size of the luggage is great for children's hands! Due to the juicy lemon casting and the additional chocolate glaze they are particularly tasty. Just try it out once!

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Stones Image (family)

On holiday, on the beach, at the playground or while walking, children can collect stones. For children, stones are often important and valuable. Do not throw them away, but use them for a great work of art or as a gift.
Stick it on an empty picture frame and create figures, objects, animals, males, your family, vehicles, etc. I show you today how you conjure up a stone family. Let the children become creative as well.

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Cinnamon-leaved dough stems

These puff pastry sticks are simple, fast and ideal for children's help. Sprinkle puff pastry with cinnamon and sugar, roll together, turn in and bake. A small pastry if it has to be done quickly!

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