Fest: St. Martin

Star with buttons

With different buttons in a white/beige shade, beautiful snow stars/stars can be conjured. You only need four wooden sticks for a star and craft glue or wood glue.
You can see how this crafting works here in step by step instructions. Have fun with it.

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Baking Martins-Weck - rolls for Saint Martin

We always bake Martin's wakes on Martin's Day. This old tradition is as popular with young children as it is with older children. The rolls are made of curd oil dough, because they become very loose and fluffy, are not crumbly and can be wonderfully shared. – and also by children's hands.
In addition, a quark oil dough bun tastes even without "cover" and is by no means dry.
Due to the simple way of making it is not difficult to make successful rolls, which all look very tasty. See for yourself how easy this can be.
Children have joy in sharing and joy in being "gifted" and this gesture is just lived and passed on by Saint Martin.
Have fun with it.

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The Legend of Saint Martin (Navi)

This story is a beautiful collaborative work – and suitable for children between 2 and 3 years of age.
The story is told by the legend of Martin. In doing so, the children recreate what they hear and thus illustrate the story. They work through their own actions on the contents of the story.

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Lantern of circles and rings (Navi)

Glue a cut plastic bottle with colorful paper circles. You can punch it out or paint it and cut it out. You already have a colorful lantern, which you can use as a table lamp or for decoration in the window depending on the size of your bottle.

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Torch – lantern making – torch making

This torch – lantern is something for school children who no longer want to participate in the Martin parade with a children's lantern. This upcycle project is also great for a night hike or a torch hike on a child's birthday day. Only an empty plastic bottle with a bulbous bottle neck and a branch that fits into the bottle opening is required.
With the help of the marble technique the colour is distributed in the bottle and thus ensures an individual appearance. The individual steps are explained well here, see for yourself. Have fun!

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Pumpkin – lantern making – Upcycling lantern making

This small lantern is a beautiful decoration for the table or the window sill. It is suitable with a small light chain also for a lantern move for very small children. All you need for this is a plastic bottle, a carpet knife, some acrylic paint and a cord. Get going immediately. With the step-by-step instructions the lantern is easily crafted. Have fun!

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Lantern from colouring images (with many templates)

This lantern fits to every topic: lanterns, astronauts, spiders, etc. It is so easy and fast to design. This lantern consists only of a colouring image, which is painted with oil to form a transparent paper. Two photo cardboard strips ensure the necessary stability. Check out the instructions, because the technology is so easy that you can create beautiful lanterns in no time at all from great motifs.

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Coloring images/ Mandalas: Lanterns

The lantern festival St. Martin is at the door! lanterns are made and the motivation to deal with the topic in a variety of ways is great for children. Darkness, light and shadow have something mysterious and that fascinates children. Let children paint pictures in which they deal with brightness and darkness in color. So they learn how to deal with it and experience the contrasts. Here you get colouring pictures/mandalas, where the lanterns can be painted with a lot of luminosity. Perhaps you can create a magic image from the brightly painted mandalas. Have fun!

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Small apple - lantern

This beautiful little apple lantern is suitable for lantern moving as well as for decoration for the window. The edge of the apple is the edge of a small cardboard plate. The transparent paper creates a luminous center. The handle is made of brown temple beads. As you can make this small handy lantern in no time, you can see this in the next step by step instruction. Have fun!

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Apple lantern for crib children

This lantern is made of a painted cardboard plate. It is small and handy and is ideal for a lantern move with crib children. The little ones can easily hold the lantern on the wire and carry it. By the way, the children get to know the components of an apple while crafting or solidify their knowledge. Step by step we show you how this apple – lantern is created. Have fun!

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