Fest: Nicholas

Nuts - Detect and name nut varieties

This game is ideal in autumn and winter. Around the time of Santa Claus, nuts are often present and so children quickly ask themselves what kind of nut it is? This little game idea promotes perception and the children learn to recognize and name different nut places. Try it out and observe how long they can deal with a few nuts. Have fun!

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Serviette folds for Santa or Christmas

These little Nikolauses or Santa Clauses enchant many children. They can help with wrinkles and shapes or they design the napkin-nickolauses or napkin-Christmas men alone. All you need for this are red napkins, cotton wool pads and a black felt pen. See for yourself how easy this works. Have fun!

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Mandalas Nikolaus (painting pictures)

The anticipation of Nikolaus is great for many children; also the urge to do something. A colouring or a mandala leads children in this so exciting time, often to relaxation and more inner peace.
Here you will find pictures of Santa Claus and colourings for the Advent season.

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Santa Claus Card — Santa Claus Card

This individual Santa Claus or Santa Claus card is made of clay paper and water colours. You can choose the size of the card yourself, whether you choose DIN A4 paper or DIN A5 paper. How do you design this handprint for your step-by-step experience here in this guide. Have fun!

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Socks of Santa Claus

On the eve of St. Nicholas' Day, the cleaned boots are put in front of the door with many families. We hang socks on our front door, but before that little Nikolauses are made out of the socks. How can I show you here:

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Funny sock-nickel

A Nikolaus, two Nikolauses – of these funny Nikolauses we can not get enough! A thin birch stem gets a cap from a red cuddly sock. Below it is a craft tile, the beard. And as a nose, there is an old cabinet button.

Craft with things you have at home. If you don't have a red sock, take a grey or black sock, then it won't be a Santa Claus but a cunt or dwarf.?

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Advent calendar bar

An enchanting idea that inspires children interested in craftsmanship. Dealing with saws, drilling machines and Schmirgelpapier becomes an exciting experience and ultimately creativity in the design is still needed.
Other variants of a waiting bar for children I'll show you here (e.g. to be able to place the time until the birthday, at a football game or at a lantern party).
Children often cannot estimate times yet and often feel waiting times unbearably long. These waiting bars make the waiting times more vivid for the children – because every day the event comes a little closer.

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