Fest: Fasching

"Let dragons rise" make

The autumn time is great to let a kite rise. The autumn wind not only lets colorful leaves dance but also colorful dragons rise in the wind. As autumnal decoration this colorful dragon is suitable. A great cutting exercise is it on top of that. When lifting the finished work children's eyes shine, flat on the table the beauty of the finished artwork is not yet fully recognizable. You can see in this step by step instruction how easy this crafting is. Enjoy trying out.

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Shining color clacks pictures - navi

An absolutely colourful offer! On a black paper, the bright colours come to the fore perfectly. The paint clacks are covered with clinging foil and then distributed with the hands. This sensomotor offer stimulates tactile perception, awakens the desire to discover and makes definitely curious. Observe even how fascinated are especially crib children. They look at their hands again and again because they suspect the color!
An experience of perception for the smallest ones, which is as popular in the carnival period as in spring, summer or autumn. Creates an image that shines right after pulling the clasp film.

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Map with photo - birthday/invitation

This funny map is very individual and personal by the photo used. By contrast with a black and white photo and the colorful embellishments by colorful hair, funny hat and red clown nose the map becomes an eye-catcher.
See here how easy the implementation succeeds. Have fun with it.

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Invitation card with photo -Lustig

Create a fun, very personal card with a photo of you. Ideal as an invitation for a party, carnival or a fun children's birthday party.
Take a photo as a basis and create a funny character around the portrait head. There are no limits to your creativity.
Here you will find a design idea explained step by step. Have fun.

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