Children can deal very intensively with paper strips, because they have a great fascination for children. Especially if they were made with the paper shredder themselves. This is how this craft idea was created. The children wanted to stick on the paper strips, so we made a small paper monster with many long paper arms and legs. With this guide you can become an artist yourself!
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Get all the materials ready first.
First you need the round beer lid. Put it on newspaper, if possible so that it only covers newspaper text (so you can paint a face on it later!). Surrounds the lid with a pen, holds the lid well, that it does not slip.
You need two newspaper circles.
Cuts out both circles properly with the scissors.
This way you get the front and back of the monster.
Put the two circles aside first, they are only needed afterwards.
Paper strips are needed for the arms and legs of the paper monster or newspaper jellyfish.
Take newsprint or advertising brochures and put them in the paper shredder. This creates uniform stripes in a fascinating way. (This can only be done by children under supervision!)
Take a beer lid and paint a line on half of the beer lid, always along the edge with an even distance (see picture!). The line should be clearly recognizable.
Glue is applied to the painted line. (Only there!)
Now you need a strip of paper, stick it on the sticky sheet with one end and press it well.
In the same way, one strip of paper is glued next to the other.
Here, fine motor skills are wonderfully trained.
The colorful paper strips can be glued very narrowly or slightly further apart.
Decide for yourself what you like best.
Once you have finished glueing the strip, the beer lid will be covered with glue.
Put a newspaper circle on it and squeeze it.
Stick the second circle of newspapers on the back of the beer lid and press it well as well.
Next, take a felt pen and paint a face on the paper circle.
Eyes, nose and mouth as you like it.
When the face is finished, the monster or the paper jellyfish is already finished.
Make a hole in the beer lid at the top, e.g. with a punch plier. Then you can hang up the tinkering.
For the suspension, cut off a piece of wool thread.
Thread the wool through the hole and make a knot with both ends of the wool.
Find a place where your monster / jellyfish can hang freely. So the paper arms and legs can move in the wind.
The paper jellyfish or the paper monster can also be made for carnival as colorful room decoration on the topic of "sustainability" or "creative with garbage".
Have fun trying out and making out!
Get all the materials ready first.
First you need the round beer lid. Put it on newspaper, if possible so that it only covers newspaper text (so you can paint a face on it later!). Surrounds the lid with a pen, holds the lid well, that it does not slip.
You need two newspaper circles.
Cuts out both circles properly with the scissors.
This way you get the front and back of the monster.
Put the two circles aside first, they are only needed afterwards.
Paper strips are needed for the arms and legs of the paper monster or newspaper jellyfish.
Take newsprint or advertising brochures and put them in the paper shredder. This creates uniform stripes in a fascinating way. (This can only be done by children under supervision!)
Take a beer lid and paint a line on half of the beer lid, always along the edge with an even distance (see picture!). The line should be clearly recognizable.
Glue is applied to the painted line. (Only there!)
Now you need a strip of paper, stick it on the sticky sheet with one end and press it well.
In the same way, one strip of paper is glued next to the other.
Here, fine motor skills are wonderfully trained.
The colorful paper strips can be glued very narrowly or slightly further apart.
Decide for yourself what you like best.
Once you have finished glueing the strip, the beer lid will be covered with glue.
Put a newspaper circle on it and squeeze it.
Stick the second circle of newspapers on the back of the beer lid and press it well as well.
Next, take a felt pen and paint a face on the paper circle.
Eyes, nose and mouth as you like it.
When the face is finished, the monster or the paper jellyfish is already finished.
Make a hole in the beer lid at the top, e.g. with a punch plier. Then you can hang up the tinkering.
For the suspension, cut off a piece of wool thread.
Thread the wool through the hole and make a knot with both ends of the wool.
Find a place where your monster / jellyfish can hang freely. So the paper arms and legs can move in the wind.
The paper jellyfish or the paper monster can also be made for carnival as colorful room decoration on the topic of "sustainability" or "creative with garbage".
Have fun trying out and making out!
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