Wuschel with cuddly wool

Wuschel made very quickly with a fork! Go fast and look beautiful...

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 1 fluffy wool
 1 Fork
 1 Scissors
 Possibly hot glue
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Wool and fork


Place thread around the fork and knot.


Wrap wool thread around the fork (loose!).


Wrap thick.


Thread a short piece of thread through the forks and tie firmly in the middle.


Push scissors on the side of the fork between the wool threads and the fork and cut them open! Left and right!


The wuschel dissolves from the fork and is plucked correctly with the hands. Overstanding wool threads are cut with scissors.


The wuschel is ready.


For example, stick Wuschel in the garden on a stick.