Print Options:

Wish-----, rattle----, lucky----

 1 Din A4 sheet
 Adhesive pen
 Builder's pad
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For each finished star you need two cut out stars. You can also use this template.
A star has six points.


Draw two stars on a DIN A 4 sheet.

Tip: To save paper, a zacke can be incomplete or missing for each star! It will be glued over later.


That's what your template might look like.
Cut out both stars.


Now fold each star after this template. Each dashed line corresponds to a fold. It will be folded again.


Then turn the entire star around. Now, on the back, the points are folded inwards. These then also fold outwards.


Now the folded star looks like this.


Now you cut the star at a fold between two points. Cut this cut to the middle and it must be next to the missing or incomplete jigs!


The two points to the left and right of the incision are now glued over each other. The missing/incomplete ingot is under the whole ingot.


If you want to glue, label or paint the star, do it now.
Because that's easier to do before you stick it together.


This prevents you from squeezing the arched center of the star.


Now you stick the two star halves together so that the center is arched towards the outside. Inside, this creates a cavity.
Attention: leave a jig open so that you can fill the cavity.

Now you have room for a wish list, a nice spell or a little candy. Confetti also fits wonderfully into the star center.

Then you stick the last point together.


One idea is the beautification with luck beetles.
These stars are also suitable as Advent calendars. Klapperstern Advent Calendar.


Enjoy your gift!