Windlight with grain grains

Summer time is also harvest time for cereals.
Why not tinker with grain grains? A lantern for the garden table from a small mini can is quickly made. Look at how it works!

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 Cereal grains
 1 very small tin cane.g. of tomato paste
 Wood glue
 1 Bowl
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Open the can with a can opener that rounds off the edges. (Attention: for sharp edges there is risk of injury!)
Rinse the empty can and dry.


Paint about a third of the can with wood glue.



Keep the can with the glue over the bowl with the grains and sprinkle grains over the glue.


Push the grains slightly with your fingers and push something right if necessary. This is very good, because the glue is not immediately tight!


Then brush another piece with glue and repeat the process until the can is glued with grains all around.


Now put the can to dry. The wood glue becomes transparent after drying!


Put a tea light in the can.



Along with a few grains you have a summery table decoration.
I'm sure your children have more ideas.
Have fun!