When playing with water, children can discover and learn a lot. We show you playing ideas with water that you can do indoors and outdoors. Have fun filling, scooping, pouring, experimenting and wiping.
Place two bowls with water next to each other. Each child gets a washcloth. So they can transport water from one bowl to the other. That's not so easy.
Then each child takes a ladle. This can now be drawn from one bowl to the other. How long can this be done? What happens if there is too little water in the bowl?
Now a part of the water can be poured back again. Take different sized vessels and fill the water from one vessel to another.
Add a sieve and a funnel and let the children experiment. Do you have a cork or a stone? Add these objects, why does the cork float and the stone sink?
If you didn't splash outdoors, finish by wiping a cloth. I'm sure water has gone by. The children can now wipe it up. So they learn how, for example, they can wipe up a drink filled with food.