Browse the best websites together for hiking routes –

Rating5.07.5 Thousand times & (2) DifficultyIntermediate

We have put together some clear and interesting websites with hiking routes with children for you. Children also like to take a look at the websites and get involved. Integrate them in the planning of your hike.
Have fun browsing and hiking.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(147) Gemeinsam nach Wanderrouten stöbern – die besten Webseiten'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time1 StundeTotal Time1 Stunde
 Computer or Smartphone

Mountain worlds:Mountain worlds
Numerous family-friendly hiking routes are combined here. These are child-friendly and exciting. The tours in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are sorted and tested.


Wanderable Germany: Migrant Germany
Here there are selected quality routes, which are particularly suitable for families.


Hiking on the Swabian Alb: Swabian Alb
There are certified tours with a few meters of altitude and under 10 kilometers. These tours have plenty of highlights.


Hiking in the Black Forest: Black Forest
The tours for children in the Black Forest are specific to the topic. Annis Schwarzwald secret has to be unraveled. The tours are accompanied by puzzles and stories.


Hiking in North Rhine-Westphalia: North Rhine-Westphalia
Here there are different hiking rods from the artist's path to the beehive path. All of them offer a little variety and always new adventures for children.


Hiking in the Allgäu: Allgäu
Tips for hiking with children and here there are also specially sorted tours that are possible with the stroller.


Hiking in Bavaria: Bavaria
In addition to the 10 best tours and excursions in Bavaria, there are also general tips about hiking and being on the road with children. In addition, there is an outdoor tip for every tour.


We have made a selection here. Isn't your region there? You already use websites that are not listed here? Then please send us a comment and we will add the page.


 Computer or Smartphone



Mountain worlds:Mountain worlds
Numerous family-friendly hiking routes are combined here. These are child-friendly and exciting. The tours in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are sorted and tested.


Wanderable Germany: Migrant Germany
Here there are selected quality routes, which are particularly suitable for families.


Hiking on the Swabian Alb: Swabian Alb
There are certified tours with a few meters of altitude and under 10 kilometers. These tours have plenty of highlights.


Hiking in the Black Forest: Black Forest
The tours for children in the Black Forest are specific to the topic. Annis Schwarzwald secret has to be unraveled. The tours are accompanied by puzzles and stories.


Hiking in North Rhine-Westphalia: North Rhine-Westphalia
Here there are different hiking rods from the artist's path to the beehive path. All of them offer a little variety and always new adventures for children.


Hiking in the Allgäu: Allgäu
Tips for hiking with children and here there are also specially sorted tours that are possible with the stroller.


Hiking in Bavaria: Bavaria
In addition to the 10 best tours and excursions in Bavaria, there are also general tips about hiking and being on the road with children. In addition, there is an outdoor tip for every tour.


We have made a selection here. Isn't your region there? You already use websites that are not listed here? Then please send us a comment and we will add the page.

Browse the best websites together for hiking routes –

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      Dear Christa, thank you for your feedback and a lot of fun in discovering and experiencing adventure.

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