Colorful, wild birds (out of screw-glass lids)

You want to make a bird and are looking for something creative? Then this craft idea is definitely something for you! Use a screw-glass lid for the body. At best, this one is unprinted or beautifully patterned; otherwise you paint it. Then you look for feathers and clay paper paint for the legs and the beak. Then you can get started and create your own bird. You will be amazed at how many different birds come into being. Stay creative.

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 1 Screw-glass lids
 1 Buttonor wobble eyes
 2 Springs
 Paper and paperboard
 1 Scissors
 1 Pencil
 1 Adhesive pen
 1 Builder's pad
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Get all the items ready first.
To do this, you cut out a triangular beak and two long legs from clay paper. Paint them freely or use the attached template.


Then lay your legs and beak in front of you.


Then position the screw-glass lid.


Then stick the bee and beak to the bottom of the lid.


Now you stick one (or two buttons in each other) as an eye on the lid.


Now choose two feathers that you put on as tail feathers.


Sticks this on the back to the lid edge. Maybe you also stick a small spring as a head spring on the lid edge.


Finished is a colorful, wild bird.


Tip:For hanging up you attach a thread with a tape on the back of the lid. To give away, you glue the bird into a small picture frame, for example.


Stay creative!


You can print and use this template. More individual birds are created when everyone paints and cuts their own bird's legs.


Trust yourself to be creative!