Bird from colorful brochures

Spring is there and songs such as all birds are already there, sounding. This small craft shop is a challenging occupation and requires dexterity and a skilful handling of the thin paper of brochures. For this the results are original and the colorful birds conjure the spring into the house. Have fun!

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 1 Brochure colorful printed
 1 Scissors
 1 Ruler
 1 Pen
 1 Adhesive pen
 Unwrought paper
 1 Builder's pad
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Cuts out from one sheet of an advertising brochure two strips each with 5cm width in the length of the brochure (approx. 28cm).


Now you fold every strip of length to half and strip out the fracture.


Now glues the folded paper together in the whole length. This creates two reinforced strips of paper.


Now you shorten a strip to the length of 20cm. Afterwards you stick this strip together to a ring.


Then you stick the second strip together to a ring as well. Let the one end survive 5cm.


The protruding end becomes the tail of the bird. For this, cut out a zacke from this with the scissors.


Then you paint a large wing, then your feet in the form of hearts and a small beak.


Then you put your feet under your body.


The wing then sticks to the inside of the body.


After that, her head sticks to her body.


Now you put your beak on and paint your eyes with a marker.


The bird is ready!


Idea: You can also cut out your eyes and stick them on.


Place the bird as a decoration on the table or window sill or hang it on a branch.


Enjoy crafting and decorating!