Make a bag of ghosts

Outdoors you can conjure up little ghosts with white packaging material or plastic bags. On the small sticks they look very cute and also stand up to a rain shower.

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 White bags (packaging waste)
 White household rubber
 thin branches
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Collect small branches and put them in the garden or in a flower pot.


Now prepare the bags, scissors and household rubbers.


Now cut off a piece of the bag. It doesn't have to be accurate, it can look a little fray!


Now you put the bag centrally over a branch.


Then wrap the upper end several times with the rubber.
So you fix the bag and at the same time conjure up the ghost head.


The garden spirits are ready.
Puts several ghosts next to each other in different heights.


The spook in the garden is ready!


Have fun doing crafts!

Bag ghosts can also withstand rain weather!??