Paint stones

Rating4.78.2 Thousand times & (3) DifficultyIntermediate

Painting stones colourfully is a simple employment idea for small and large children.
Small children can find out how to hold the stone in order to paint it and experience how to paint it on an uneven surface. Larger children can develop ideas for motifs and shapes and colours and experiment with different pencils and color gradients.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(268) Steine bemalen'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time30 min.Total Time30 min.
 Coloured pencilswell own also watercolour pens or felt pens
 hair spray or clear varnish, if applicable
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.

Find suitable stones.
Tip: searches for bright stones, with these the colors shine better.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Sucht passende Steine.   Tipp: sucht helle Steine, bei...'


Then you can get started and paint the stones. It is nice when several children paint stones. Then the little ones can look away from the bigger ones, how they hold the stones and then there are conversations about motives, colors and shapes.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann könnt ihr schon loslegen und die Steine bemalen. Schön...'


We have used aquarellbunt pens. After painting, colour gradients can be created with water.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Wir haben Aquarellbuntstifte verwendet. Nach dem Malen können Farbverläufe mit...'


Tip: The children can tell stories after painting. For this they have placed the stones in a row. Along the motifs and colors developed funny stories.

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Tipp: Die Kinder können im Anschluss an das Malen Geschichten...'


You can finally fix the color with hair spray or clear varnish. Also transparent nail polish is suitable for this.

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Ihr könnt die Farbe abschließend mit Haarspray oder Klarlack fixieren....'


You can also paint the stones according to a motto, e.g. with the offer with the Weatherstones.


 Coloured pencilswell own also watercolour pens or felt pens
 hair spray or clear varnish, if applicable
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.



Find suitable stones.
Tip: searches for bright stones, with these the colors shine better.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Sucht passende Steine.   Tipp: sucht helle Steine, bei...'


Then you can get started and paint the stones. It is nice when several children paint stones. Then the little ones can look away from the bigger ones, how they hold the stones and then there are conversations about motives, colors and shapes.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Dann könnt ihr schon loslegen und die Steine bemalen. Schön...'


We have used aquarellbunt pens. After painting, colour gradients can be created with water.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Wir haben Aquarellbuntstifte verwendet. Nach dem Malen können Farbverläufe mit...'


Tip: The children can tell stories after painting. For this they have placed the stones in a row. Along the motifs and colors developed funny stories.

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Tipp: Die Kinder können im Anschluss an das Malen Geschichten...'


You can finally fix the color with hair spray or clear varnish. Also transparent nail polish is suitable for this.

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Ihr könnt die Farbe abschließend mit Haarspray oder Klarlack fixieren....'


You can also paint the stones according to a motto, e.g. with the offer with the Weatherstones.

Paint stones

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