Stone mouse

From a large rounded stone we make a mouse with a few small details...
It's a nice little gift, maybe Mother's Day, Father's Day or something.

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 1 Large rounded stone
 2 Wax eyes
 1 Empty snail house Or: a small round stone / a cotton ball...
 1 Scissors
 1 Packet cordOr thin wire
 Grey feltOr white, black or brown
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Prepare materials. Clean stone from dirt and dust


Cut two ears and a tail from the felt (free painting is the fastest!)


Cut off four string pieces (give the whiskers!) and tie them together with a thread piece.


Cut overhanging pieces of thread


Adhesive thread bundles to the opening of the snail house (hot glue)



All parts are now glued to the stone with the hot glue


The mouse is ready. Now just find a nice place!


Another example with cotton ball and wire as a sneeze!