Stone paintings on slate boards (4 ideas)

Beautiful decorative ideas with stones. For this you need as flat stones as possible, which you put on a slate table.
Then just paint some details and your stones become the most diverse figures.
In addition, write something with chalk on it and you already have a nice place sign for a celebration or a small message.

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 flat stones in different sizes Use rounded stones
 1 Table crayons


Collect stones, wash them and let them dry.


Set up slates.

Idea 1:

Use small slate boards, for example, for plazas at the table.


Select a stone and place it on the slate.
With chalk, the stone becomes a "stone man". For this, paint arms, legs, hair and a face.


Is the "headfooter" ready?


Or you make a male out of two stones.


Idea 2:

If you want to make a name tag, first write the name on the board. After that you can conjure up a sun or a beetle from the stone.

Idea 3:

Choose a larger slate.
Lays a butterfly out of stones. Paints the feelers with chalk and with a pen a face on the stone.


Write a few nice words and place your artwork at the breakfast table, for example!

Idea 4:

Take a large slate.


Select stones that are laid as mice, for example. To do this, paint your ears and eyes on the stone. Use a felt pen for this.


Paint the mice' tails with chalk on the board. Add something to it and your little message is ready, for example, for a laid table or a cooked meal.