Summer skylights

AdventurerForest girl
Rating5.06.2 Thousand times & (4) DifficultyIntermediate

You can be creative in the forest, in the meadows or in the garden. Design these beautiful wind lights for the balcony and the terrace. All you need for this are different grasses, jam glasses, sand, a tealight and a package line.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(799) Sommerliche Windlichter'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time10 min.Adv. Time15 min.Total Time25 min.
 Package cord
 Tea lights
 Jars and jars of marmalade
 Grasses from nature
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.

During a walk in nature you pick different grasses.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Bei einem Spaziergang in der Natur pflückt ihr verschiedene Gräser.'


Now you're braiding braids out of the grasses.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt flechtet ihr aus den Gräsern Zöpfe.'


Now you decorate the jam jars with the grass pots.
With the help of a package line you can attach the grass heads to the glass.
Then decorate the glass with the package line. To do this, wrap the package line around the glass and tie it to the loop.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Mit den Gras-Zöpfen schmückt ihr jetzt die Marmeladengläser.  ...'


Finally, fill the bottom of the glass with sand and put a tea light in it.

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Zum Schluss füllt ihr den Boden des Glases mit Sand...'


Have fun?


 Package cord
 Tea lights
 Jars and jars of marmalade
 Grasses from nature
All links marked with a shopping cart lead to Amazon - here we have selected products that we would order ourselves and in part also ordered. In a qualified purchase via the advertising link, we as Amazon partner receive a commission, for you there are no costs. You thus support our cost- and advertising banner-free, educational offer.



During a walk in nature you pick different grasses.

Bild zum Schritt 1 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Bei einem Spaziergang in der Natur pflückt ihr verschiedene Gräser.'


Now you're braiding braids out of the grasses.

Bild zum Schritt 2 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Jetzt flechtet ihr aus den Gräsern Zöpfe.'


Now you decorate the jam jars with the grass pots.
With the help of a package line you can attach the grass heads to the glass.
Then decorate the glass with the package line. To do this, wrap the package line around the glass and tie it to the loop.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Mit den Gras-Zöpfen schmückt ihr jetzt die Marmeladengläser.  ...'


Finally, fill the bottom of the glass with sand and put a tea light in it.

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Zum Schluss füllt ihr den Boden des Glases mit Sand...'


Have fun?

Summer skylights

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