Singing with cuddly animals

Rating5.07.5 Thousand times & (2) DifficultyBeginner

"Singing" love little children!
When playing with cuddly animals, each "animal" can get his own song/sing verse or verse! Use song parts (suitably to the cuddly animal!) that you know from your childhood, for example.
It works the same way for distracting: just start singing...

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(154) Singen mit Kuscheltieren'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time5 min.Adv. Time20 min.Total Time25 min.
 Different cuddly animals you have at home!

Collect your cuddly animals in a box or basket. And here we go...


Take out a cuddly animal or your child should bring you one and then start with a matching song verse to the respective cuddly animal!
Each animal retains its "song" and whenever the child comes with the cuddly animal, you can sing the song. Thus, songs are learned playfully through multiple repetitions and even if your child does not yet speak, it will eventually know the songs and sing along piece by piece, wag along, clap or imitate your movements!

Texts for the songs can be found here:


Cuddly Toy: Bear
Song: I'm a big dance bear...

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Beispiele:   Kuscheltier: Bär   Lied: Ich bin...'


Cuddly toy: hedgehog
Song: Hedgehogs, hedgehogs look into the mirror...

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Igel  Lied: Igele, Igele schau mal ins Spiegele...'


Cuddly toy: duck
Song: All my ducklings...

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Ente  Lied: Alle meine Entchen...'


Cuddly toy: hare
Song: Bunny in the pit...

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Hase  Lied: Häschen in der Grube...'


Cuddly toy: cat
Song: Look at the cat dances alone... (cat dance)

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Katze  Lied: Guck die Katze tanzt allein... (Katzentatzentanz)'


Cuddly toy: horse
Song: Hopp, hopp, hopp Horses run Galop...
Song: Hoppe Hoppe Rider...

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Pferd  Lied: Hopp, hopp, hopp Pferdchen lauf Galopp......'


Cuddly toy: penguin
Song: Pitsch, pach, penguin...

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Pinguin  Lied: Pitsch, patsch, Pinguin...'


Cuddly toy: parrot
Song: I have a little parrot...
Talkvers: Come by the parrot, early in the morning...
Song: The Papgeienlied


Cuddly toy: frog
Song: Mh, mh makes the green frog in the pond...
Song: We Fröschelein, we Fröschelein...


Cuddly toy: elephant
Song: An elephant, yes, the balanced...
Song: What kind of trees do they have to be...


Cuddly toy: lion
Song: We're going lion hunting...

Bild zum Schritt 13 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Löwe  Lied: Wir gehn auf Löwenjagd...'


Cuddly toy: snail
Song: I'm a little snail...
Krabbelspiel: Kriecht a Schneckle... up the mountain...


Cuddly toy: mouse
Song: Sleep my little moustache...
Fingerplay: This is Papamouse... (the mouse family)
Fingerplay: Dippe di dip, there comes a little mouse...


Cuddly toy: sheep
Song: who has the most beautiful sheep...
Song: mower, lamb, mow...

Bild zum Schritt 16 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Schaf  Lied: wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen... ...'


Cuddly toy: snake
Song: that's how the snake dances...
Song: a small snake, wakes up early in the morning...


Cuddly toy: monkey
Song: The monkeys are racing through the forest...

Bild zum Schritt 18 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Affee  Lied: Die Affen rasen durch den Wald...'


You will surely find for each of your cuddly animals a little squeaking, fingering, speaking line or singing song that your child likes. Make movements and "awaken the animals to life"...
Kids love hand puppets too!
Have fun trying it out.


 Different cuddly animals you have at home!



Collect your cuddly animals in a box or basket. And here we go...


Take out a cuddly animal or your child should bring you one and then start with a matching song verse to the respective cuddly animal!
Each animal retains its "song" and whenever the child comes with the cuddly animal, you can sing the song. Thus, songs are learned playfully through multiple repetitions and even if your child does not yet speak, it will eventually know the songs and sing along piece by piece, wag along, clap or imitate your movements!

Texts for the songs can be found here:


Cuddly Toy: Bear
Song: I'm a big dance bear...

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Beispiele:   Kuscheltier: Bär   Lied: Ich bin...'


Cuddly toy: hedgehog
Song: Hedgehogs, hedgehogs look into the mirror...

Bild zum Schritt 4 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Igel  Lied: Igele, Igele schau mal ins Spiegele...'


Cuddly toy: duck
Song: All my ducklings...

Bild zum Schritt 5 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Ente  Lied: Alle meine Entchen...'


Cuddly toy: hare
Song: Bunny in the pit...

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Hase  Lied: Häschen in der Grube...'


Cuddly toy: cat
Song: Look at the cat dances alone... (cat dance)

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Katze  Lied: Guck die Katze tanzt allein... (Katzentatzentanz)'


Cuddly toy: horse
Song: Hopp, hopp, hopp Horses run Galop...
Song: Hoppe Hoppe Rider...

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Pferd  Lied: Hopp, hopp, hopp Pferdchen lauf Galopp......'


Cuddly toy: penguin
Song: Pitsch, pach, penguin...

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Pinguin  Lied: Pitsch, patsch, Pinguin...'


Cuddly toy: parrot
Song: I have a little parrot...
Talkvers: Come by the parrot, early in the morning...
Song: The Papgeienlied


Cuddly toy: frog
Song: Mh, mh makes the green frog in the pond...
Song: We Fröschelein, we Fröschelein...


Cuddly toy: elephant
Song: An elephant, yes, the balanced...
Song: What kind of trees do they have to be...


Cuddly toy: lion
Song: We're going lion hunting...

Bild zum Schritt 13 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Löwe  Lied: Wir gehn auf Löwenjagd...'


Cuddly toy: snail
Song: I'm a little snail...
Krabbelspiel: Kriecht a Schneckle... up the mountain...


Cuddly toy: mouse
Song: Sleep my little moustache...
Fingerplay: This is Papamouse... (the mouse family)
Fingerplay: Dippe di dip, there comes a little mouse...


Cuddly toy: sheep
Song: who has the most beautiful sheep...
Song: mower, lamb, mow...

Bild zum Schritt 16 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Schaf  Lied: wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen... ...'


Cuddly toy: snake
Song: that's how the snake dances...
Song: a small snake, wakes up early in the morning...


Cuddly toy: monkey
Song: The monkeys are racing through the forest...

Bild zum Schritt 18 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Kuscheltier: Affee  Lied: Die Affen rasen durch den Wald...'


You will surely find for each of your cuddly animals a little squeaking, fingering, speaking line or singing song that your child likes. Make movements and "awaken the animals to life"...
Kids love hand puppets too!
Have fun trying it out.

Singing with cuddly animals

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  1. 2.5 thousand times & ()

    That's a nice idea!
    Our children love to sing and so I have other songs:
    Cat: Matze the Cat
    Mouse: Mini Mouse
    Sheep: All sheep make bells
    Horse: The Red Horse
    Kangaroo: The singing Kangaroo
    Owl: The owl dances
    Rabbit: Hoppelhase Hans
    Fish: Fish dance
    Elephant: When the sun laughs
    Bear: Our little bear in the zoo (movement game)
    Dog: Struppi

    Enjoy singing and dancing. The songs invite you to move and participate.

  2. Dear Jen, thank you so much for your ideas and sharing. A great addition to the adventure. When do you like to sing?
    If you have any further ideas, this is also an option to add even more here. The little adventurers will be happy.

  3. 2.5 thousand times & ()

    Hello Elke, Thank you so much to hear when I like it. We sing almost every day. I work in a kindergarten and the children love to sing and move.

  4. Dear Jen, great! Then I hope this platform is a treasure trove for your work. Cordially, Alice from the Adventure Market

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