Color games with the flycloth/bedcloth

Rating4.59.3 Thousand times & (2) DifficultyIntermediate

With a flycloth or a bedcover you can make beautiful games. We show you some where the children can learn colors or practice their color understanding. Have fun!

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

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Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(197) Farb-Spiele mit dem Schwungtuch/Betttuch'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time5 min.Adv. Time25 min.Total Time30 min.
 Sprinkle clothor bedcoats or bedcoats
 Colorful balls or balloons

Every child chooses a colour for the fly cloth. At this point the child touches the cloth. We stand up so that the cloth can be stretched. Then we go up and down together. The cloth archs and lowers. If there are enough children, then children can also put it under the cloth while we lift it up.
You can also name the colors that should be lifted up and those that should stay down or which colors should be swiveled alternately up and down. This can create beautiful wave movements. On these waves also a ball or a balloon can dance well. Make sure that it does not fall off the cloth.


With a bed cover does not produce the same effect as with a fly cloth. But each household has a bed cover and it is suitable for a lot of play ideas.

For example, almost everyone on one side so that the cover can be tightened. Then a ball or balloon is placed on it in one color. Depending on who goes up or down - the ball rolls. Always call the color of the ball. If you lift together, the ball can be thrown up and picked up.
You can also do this with several balls.
Change the color of the ball. Or let each child choose a color.

Through the repetitions of the colors children learn playfully to name the colors.
You can also combine these game ideas with putting the bed linen together after washing.


 Sprinkle clothor bedcoats or bedcoats
 Colorful balls or balloons



Every child chooses a colour for the fly cloth. At this point the child touches the cloth. We stand up so that the cloth can be stretched. Then we go up and down together. The cloth archs and lowers. If there are enough children, then children can also put it under the cloth while we lift it up.
You can also name the colors that should be lifted up and those that should stay down or which colors should be swiveled alternately up and down. This can create beautiful wave movements. On these waves also a ball or a balloon can dance well. Make sure that it does not fall off the cloth.


With a bed cover does not produce the same effect as with a fly cloth. But each household has a bed cover and it is suitable for a lot of play ideas.

For example, almost everyone on one side so that the cover can be tightened. Then a ball or balloon is placed on it in one color. Depending on who goes up or down - the ball rolls. Always call the color of the ball. If you lift together, the ball can be thrown up and picked up.
You can also do this with several balls.
Change the color of the ball. Or let each child choose a color.

Through the repetitions of the colors children learn playfully to name the colors.
You can also combine these game ideas with putting the bed linen together after washing.

Color games with the flycloth/bedcloth

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