This small craft idea is ideal as soon as the first snowdrops grow in the front gardens. The children get to know the structure and structure of the snowdrop and thus learn to consciously perceive the environment. In addition, this creates a beautiful decoration for a Sunday dinner with the family. Have fun!
First you paint a flower on a white clay paper and cut it out.
Then you cut out a small circle of green clay paper.
Then you cut out two green leaves and a stalk. Paints a rim around all parts with a black felt pen. So she lifts the snowdrop from the green napkin.
Now you fold a dark green napkin in half.Then you fold the napkin again and place it with a tip pointing to you on the table. Now fold the lower left edge to the middle line. Then you fold the lower right edge to the middle as well. Now strip both edges smoothly. The napkin now has the shape of a dragon.
Turn the napkin around so that the fold is down.
Now put the snowdrop on it. However, glue the parts of the snowdrop together before it, because this way the snowdrop can be placed next to it when using the napkin.
In this way, prepares a snowdrop napkin for each guest.
Have fun!