There are so many different keys to keep them apart is not easy. With this keyboard you need a good look and a good fine motor.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Place the board (cut if necessary)
There is also a worn out wooden kitchen board
Set Keys
Arrange these as desired on the board...
Now the key picks are attached. To do this, beat a nail in the middle of the key ring into the wood.
Then pull the nail out again and turn into the resulting hole a thin screw with the cordless screwdriver. Do not screw in deeper than the chopper later goes into the wood. Remove the screw again.
Chop your hand in the hole.
Turn in until the complete thread has disappeared in the wood.
If necessary, use a plier for twisting.
Put a hack on all the keys.
All the keys are attached to the hoes.
Each key outline is now transferred to the wood. To do this, paint the key with a pen.
Do the same with the other keys.
The board is ready to play.
Put it on a chair or bench and lean the board against the backrest. The keys are located in front (on the seat) and can now be assigned.
Be sure to look exactly like the key ring, the size and the key beard and in which direction it looks. Have fun playing!
Place the board (cut if necessary)
There is also a worn out wooden kitchen board
Set Keys
Arrange these as desired on the board...
Now the key picks are attached. To do this, beat a nail in the middle of the key ring into the wood.
Then pull the nail out again and turn into the resulting hole a thin screw with the cordless screwdriver. Do not screw in deeper than the chopper later goes into the wood. Remove the screw again.
Chop your hand in the hole.
Turn in until the complete thread has disappeared in the wood.
If necessary, use a plier for twisting.
Put a hack on all the keys.
All the keys are attached to the hoes.
Each key outline is now transferred to the wood. To do this, paint the key with a pen.
Do the same with the other keys.
The board is ready to play.
Put it on a chair or bench and lean the board against the backrest. The keys are located in front (on the seat) and can now be assigned.
Be sure to look exactly like the key ring, the size and the key beard and in which direction it looks. Have fun playing!
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