Maybe you still remember your childhood. When picking flowers, the swarf was always present with us in the bouquet. Because it has a hard stem, which can be easily torn off. But next to a beautiful summer bouquet, a delicious tea can be prepared from the swarf and it is suitable for tinctures and ointments.
The swarf belongs to the medicinal herbs and helps, for example, in the case of sniffing, sunburn, digestive problems, wound healing, loss of appetite or flatulence.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Take a long walk across the meadows and fields. Take a backpack and drinks with you or let the children ride the balance bike or bike, so that even small children can easily master a longer distance.
The swarf grows on dry meadows. You can harvest the swarf in summer. The best time is always on a sunny day around noon time.
Tie the swarf to small bouquets and hang up in a dark and dry place for drying.
For tea, pour over a teaspoon of swarf cabbage with 200 ml of boiling water and let it draw for 5-10 minutes. Drink the tea no more than three times a day and no longer than four weeks.
The swarf can also be used as tea in the bath water. This helps e.g. with poorly healing wounds or psoriasis.
Take a long walk across the meadows and fields. Take a backpack and drinks with you or let the children ride the balance bike or bike, so that even small children can easily master a longer distance.
The swarf grows on dry meadows. You can harvest the swarf in summer. The best time is always on a sunny day around noon time.
Tie the swarf to small bouquets and hang up in a dark and dry place for drying.
For tea, pour over a teaspoon of swarf cabbage with 200 ml of boiling water and let it draw for 5-10 minutes. Drink the tea no more than three times a day and no longer than four weeks.
The swarf can also be used as tea in the bath water. This helps e.g. with poorly healing wounds or psoriasis.
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Don't miss any more adventures: Our bottle mail
Dear Elfe, we are total nature freaks and our children love to be outside. We have now also collected swarf. The children have so much pleasure in jumping over the meadows and picking as large bouquets as possible. We always hang them on the attic to dry. Greetings, Sanne
Dear Sanne, this is nice that you can be so much with the children outside and enjoy the time in nature. The attic is indeed a place that is well suited for drying. Thank you for this valuable hint. For you the adventures in the category nature and the environment could be interesting. Look at it. We look forward to seeing you.
Dear friends, it's nice that you like it. We have also collected chamomile and now it's the lavender. An adventure will follow. It's nice if the children can experience nature.
Dear Elfe, we are very excited about this. Thank you, Alice from the adventure market